Health and Wellbeing

EKC Health and Wellbeing

At Elite, it is a privilege to be able to influence the development of young children across the UK in a multifarious manner, which is why we feel, after seven years of quality delivery, it is time to expand the horizon.

Emerging research has demonstrated how ensuring Health and Wellbeing in children predicts the longevity of physical health, future academic performance and overall life satisfaction. Additionally, we see the impact of pressure placed on children both within and beyond the academic sector. Therefore, we understand the importance of using sport as a vehicle to enhance children’s awareness and understanding of strategies that can be employed to manage their health and wellbeing. Given the ever-present upskilling of coaches along with the massive opportunity for pupil- growth, we are delighted to announce that Elite has formed a Health and Wellbeing branch of the business.

With the aim of maximising the holistic wellbeing of pupils, the Health and Wellbeing department will equip children with tips, techniques and behavioural responses to a wide range of Health and Wellbeing topics. Furthermore, given the current effort to enhance health education within young children across schools, we believe we are uniquely positioned to provide such knowledge through a sporting lens. For us, it is important to enable access to information not only for the pupils, but you parents too who hold a significant ability to engage and internalise this knowledge within your kids. Topics will cover content around both the health and the wellbeing of young children.